Some of the more interesting places on the Web.

- Webcomic. Gaming, computers, and The OS That Doesn't Suck. What more could you ask for? ...telemarketing, anyone?

- Webcomic. Fantasy role-playing like it's never been seen before: beware the Cave Squid.

Adventurers! - Webcomic. Further fantasy RP adventures. Parody runs high, and...well, Ardam is really cool. ;-) I really like logical, blue-haired mages.

- Webcomic by the same guy who does Adventurers! about the nocturnal protector of Triumph City, Shadehawk.

MegaTokyo - Another webcomic. Two American gamers end up in Japan with no money and no passports. One has girl troubles, the other is convinced that evil vampire zombies are stalking the city.

Seventh Sanctum - A lot of generators and several columns about writing - utterly brilliant.

Translator - My all-purpose translator. Mostly I use Japanese.